OHA Seeking Public Feedback on Civil Commitment OAR Changes

Oregon Health Authority has begun a series of pre-Rule Advisory Committee (RAC) community engagement & listening sessions to solicit feedback on changes to the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR). The sessions occur on Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30am and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm. The first session was on 10/4. Each session is designed to be the same content presented each week, but you are welcome to come to both.

The sessions are first and foremost a space for community members not on staff at OHA to provide comment, feedback, and ideas that will help inform their final rule change document for this second round of civil commitment OAR revisions. These sessions will go through the third week of December.

A schedule of the sessions with links to the virtual meetings is available on the OHA Civil Commitments webpage under updates: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/hsd/amh/Pages/civil-commitment.aspx